Uncover the truths to the universe! Or at least answer some common questions about caving

What even is Caving?

Caving, or Spelunking, is an activity that involves exploring the underground ecosystems, aka CAVES. There are three main types of Caving: Commercial, Recreational and Project. We primarily focus on recreational caving, which is like going on a hike: You show up to navigate through the cave to take in the natural structures and witness the unique wildlife.

NSS Guide To Responsible Caving

Isn't Caving dangerous?

Not really. The most common issue when caving is hypothermia, usually a result of improper clothing selections. Assuming proper planning and experience, its very rare for cave-ins, floods, bad air or other issues to arise. Recreational caving is about as dangerous as hiking, when planned correctly.

Won't you get stuck?

There are many stories of cave disasters, and they are often sensattionalized to be dramatic. The bottom line is that nearly all of these were a result of poor planning. Either poor weather planning, caving alone or poor judgement when navigating the cave. Cave accidents are quite rare these days. We always only enter caves with at least 4 members, pletny of backup lights, a call out that can noltify rescue should we not return within a set time and an experienced trip leader.

What happens if your lights do out?

That would certianly suck, but luckily today's LED technology makes this almost impossible. We follow the "three light sources per person" rule, to always ensure that no matter what we have working lights. You will never need to worry about not having any light sources.

What about the BUGS?

Luckily there really aren't very many bugs in the caves that we visit. Near the entrance you may find the occasional beetle or spider, but once you travel inside the cave you will almost never any bugs at all. Yes there are caves that have ceilings full of spiders or crickets, but we do not visit those caves.

What about show caves?

Recreational trips are a lot different than "show caves". There are no fixed lights, trails, markings or anything else manmade inside the cave. These caves are preserved in their natural state as best as possible.

How much does a cave trip cost?

Unlike Commercial caves, most recreational cave trips are actually free! Unless you specifically hire a private guide, then usually the trip leader is hosting the trip because they also want to go. We do recommend donating $5 if you borrow any gear, since gear wears down rapidly in caves and we have to replace it eventually

Why do people even cave to begin with?

Caves present a very unique, and different, environment than what most people are used to. Often times full of spectacular formations that have formed over thousands of years. The natural bueaty of these formations are what draws a lot of people into caving. Many people also fidn it fun because it's almost like an adult playground...underground and full of mud, and who doesn't love mud! There are also very unique cave adapted wildlife found in caves. In terms of recreational caving the freedom and sense of adventure that comes with exploring unknow passages offers a great thrill. You never really know what's going to be around the next corner.
